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Mt. Pleasant NY Car Accident Lawyer Review: Marbury

What Happened?

On December 13th, 2019, Marbury was driving in the Town of Mount Pleasant in Westchester County. While passing a shopping center, there was another driver exiting the shopping center attempting to enter the same direction of traffic as Marbury but crashed their front right area of the vehicle into the driver’s side door of Marbury’s vehicle. After the accident, Marbury was feeling dazed, nauseous, and experiencing a terrible headache. She was taken by ambulance to the emergency room at Westchester Medical Center for evaluation, treatment, and was sent home with pain medication.

As a result of the accident, Marbury injured her head and lower back. She was constantly having post traumatic headaches and ringing in both ears. Most of her pain was in her lower back that would radiate to the left leg. Marbury could not tolerate sitting, standing, walking, lifting, and carrying objects. She could sit for about 10 minutes before having to stand because of pain or walk about one block before having to stop. Marbury attended physical therapy and  underwent pain management injections. She was confined to her bed for approximately 7 weeks and remains incapacitated from working because of the accident.

Thankfully, Marbury heard Adam Handler’s show on the radio and saved our number! The Defendant’s insurance company offered Marbury $45,000 to resolve her matter which they believed “to be fair and reasonable” based on their evaluation of the case and refused to meet our demand to pay the full $100,000 policy limit. But based on OUR evaluation, that offer was no good! Three months later, the Defendant’s final offer was $90,000. With the help of our hard-working Mt. Pleasant NY car accident lawyer at Pollack, Pollack, Isaac & DeCicco, LLP, Marbury’s medical bills were paid, lost wages recovered, and she won a $95,000.00 settlement!

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