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Confidential Settlement

Brooklyn Uninsured Accident Lawyer: Alton

“These are the lawyers you need to handle your case. They are honest, they work hard for you, and they are upfront! After my accident, I called them and we set up an appointment. They dealt with me very nicely and it was 100% professional. I referred my daughter and she just settled her case!”

- Alton from Brooklyn, NY



What Happened?

On March 5th, 2022, Alton was driving across the intersection of Avenue J and East 57th Street in Brooklyn, New York. While he was crossing, another vehicle failed to stop at the stop sign and struck the front passenger side of Alton’s vehicle! The other driver told the police that they did stop at the intersection and proceeded through when Alton crashed into them. Alton went to Kings County Hospital Center where he was evaluated and discharged home with a prescription for pain medication.

Alton injured his neck and lower back due to the accident. He experienced persistent neck pain that was associated with tingling in his arms, and low back pain that was associated with tingling in his legs. He also had difficulty with bending and prolonged sitting and standing for some time after the accident. He attended physical therapy regularly for several months with significant improvement. Thankfully, conservative pain management was successful in alleviating his symptoms. Alton did not require pain management injections or surgery. 

Alton had heard attorney Adam Handler on the radio many times. After his accident, he knew he needed to call The Case Handler team. Two days later, Alton contacted us. After investigation, our team not only discovered that the other driver was in a car rental, but the driver also had NO AUTO INSURANCE COVERAGE at the time of the accident. Despite the fact that the other driver did not have auto insurance or pay for auto insurance through the rental company, our top-rated Brooklyn uninsured accident lawyer successfully recovered compensation from the rental company’s insurance!


Contact Adam Handler – Brooklyn Uninsured Accident Lawyer

Remember, even if you’re hit by someone without auto insurance, there still is hope and The Case Handler team can help you find it. Alton’s story shows that with our help, you can navigate through these challenging situations and secure the compensation you deserve. Our dedicated Brooklyn uninsured accident lawyers are here to offer honest, professional, and unwavering support. Don’t let the other driver’s lack of insurance coverage deter you; contact us today to explore your options and ensure your rights are protected.

For a free and confidential consultation with The Case Handler attorneys, please click the “Call Us Today” or “Message Us Online” button below.


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One Chance. One Choice.
One Case Handler.

A personal injury or workplace accident can be devastating for you and your family. The Case Handler team digs deep to investigate your case, identify the responsible party or parties, and press for the maximum compensation for your injuries so you can move on with your life.

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