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Personal InjuryNovember 01, 2023

Who is Liable When a Bike Hits an Opened Car Door?

Doorings are the Most Common Bike Accident in NYC

Doorings, or bikes hitting opened car doors, is one of the most common bike accidents in the five boroughs of New York City. With all of the traffic on the roads daily, it is a common occurrence for open car doors to cause bike accidents. A bike rider does not necessarily have time to stop or swerve when a car door is opened suddenly in the street or a bike lane.

At The Case Handler, we help cyclists just like you get compensation for their injuries due to a bike hitting an opened car door. Our firm is ready to review your case, and you can contact us today for a free consultation. Or, keep reading below to learn who is responsible when a bike hits an opened car door.

What are the Laws about Open Car Doors in NYC?

There are four laws about opening car doors into NYC traffic that can be used to determine liability in doorings.

  • It is illegal for anyone to get out of a vehicle on the traveled side of the street in a way that interferes with vehicle or bicycle traffic. §4-12(c)
  • It is illegal for cabs to pick up or drop off passengers in a way that impedes traffic. §4-11
  • It is illegal for cabs to stop in a bike lane without leaving 10 feet for oncoming traffic. §4-11
  • It is illegal to open a vehicle door on the side of moving traffic or leave that door open longer than necessary to load or unload passengers. §1214

The first three of these laws are found in the Traffic Rules or Chapter 4 of Title 34 of the NYC coded laws. These laws make it clear that vehicle owners, drivers, and passengers have a responsibility to open car doors in a safe manner. If they do not do so, they could be held liable for a bike accident with an open car door.

Who is Liable for Doorings in NYC?

If someone broke one of the laws above, your case could be very cut and dry. You must prove that the person who opened the car door acted negligently to file a personal injury claim against them. This means that you must be able to show that they opened the car door in an unsafe manner. 

New York is a comparative negligence state, which means that the cyclist's actions also play a role in whether or not you can get compensation, or how much compensation you can receive. If your own actions played a role in the accident, you may not be able to receive the same compensation. However, a good attorney can defend your actions to get you the compensation you deserve.

What damages can I get for Bike Accidents with Open Car Doors?

The damages you can receive if you are hit by an open car door include:

  • Medical bills
  • Property damage
  • Ongoing medical treatment
  • Lost income during recovery
  • Pain and suffering

Under the comparative negligence rule, you could receive only a portion of the compensation available for your bike accident. For example, if you are found to be 30% responsible for the accident, you will only receive 70% of the awarded compensation. This is why it is important to have an attorney on your side to ensure that the liable party compensates you fairly.

Have You Been Injured in a Bike Accident with a Car Door in NYC?

In almost every case, your injuries in a bike accident with a car door in New York City should result in a personal injury claim to compensate you for your injuries and any damage to your bike. You should have an attorney on your side to ensure that the responsible parties are held liable and limit your financial losses during your time of healing.
The Case Handler is famous for handling bike accident cases just like these. We can review your case and determine your rights to compensation. Contact us today for a free consultation.

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