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Queens Elevator Accident Lawyer: Morris

What Happened?

On April 6th, 2017, Morris was in a freight elevator, making a routine delivery. To his shock, the elevator cable snapped, causing it to drop and become lodged between two floors. Despite the technician’s attempts, the elevator remained immobile. Fortunately, the fire department was able to rescue Morris and other entrapped passengers using a ladder. The technician later attributed the elevator malfunction to improper loading. An ambulance soon arrived, transporting Morris to a Queens hospital emergency room. There he underwent evaluation, treatment, and was discharged the same day with prescriptions for pain medication. 

The accident left Morris with injuries to his neck, lower back, right wrist (fracture), and right knee (meniscus tear). These injuries resulted in persistent neck pain radiating to his right upper extremity, accompanied by numbness and pain in his right wrist and hand. He also experienced constant lower back pain radiating down the left lower extremity, featuring shooting pain and a tingling sensation in the left leg. Additionally, Morris occasionally experienced clicking in his right knee, with pain intensifying during prolonged standing and walking. When conservative treatments proved ineffective, Morris underwent pain management injections to his neck and lower back. He was totally incapacitated from work.

Several days after the incident, Morris reached out to The Case Handler team after hearing about our outstanding results on the radio. While Morris focused on medical appointments, we seamlessly navigated interactions with insurance companies and handled all aspects of his personal injury case. Despite the insurance company’s initial reluctance to pay, we prepared to take them to court, armed with evidence that the same freight elevator had experienced the same issue one month prior to Morris’ accident. Opting to avoid trial, the Defendant eventually agreed to a settlement during mediation. Thanks to our skilled Queens elevator accident lawyer, Morris had his medical bills covered, and he received a total settlement of $375,000.00!

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A personal injury or workplace accident can be devastating for you and your family. The Case Handler team digs deep to investigate your case, identify the responsible party or parties, and press for the maximum compensation for your injuries so you can move on with your life.

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