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Personal InjuryFebruary 05, 2024

Who is Liable For Your Assault Injuries?

There May Be Sources of Liability Beyond Your Attacker

If you are assaulted in a bar, restaurant, or on another person’s property, you may wonder whether you are entitled to compensation for your injuries. In many cases, the person who assaulted you may have criminal and civil liability, but there may be other parties that share legal responsibility for the incident. For example, when there is negligent security, the property owner fails to provide adequate security to prevent foreseeable harm.

At The Case Handler, our experienced legal team will help you understand your rights. We will fight to ensure you receive the maximum compensation allowed under the law and work tirelessly to make sure that all liable parties are held responsible for their negligence or wrongdoing. Contact our office today to schedule a confidential consultation with 

Can a Bar or Business Be Responsible for My Assault Injuries?

When you are seriously injured in an assault, one of the first questions you may ask is who can be held accountable for your injuries. While your attacker likely has some degree of legal responsibility, the owner of the bar or business where you were attacked may as well.

Under New York’s dram shop laws, a party may be held liable if they knowingly sold alcohol to an intoxicated person or contributed to the intoxication and that person subsequently caused injury to another person as a result of their intoxication. Therefore, if you were assaulted by an intoxicated person, the bar or restaurant that overserved them may be held liable under certain circumstances.  

A bar or business owner may also be liable if they fail to provide a reasonably safe premises, resulting in your injuries. For instance, if the bar where you were assaulted did not provide adequate security to prevent foreseeable harm, such as a bar fight or assault, they may be held liable for negligent security. 

Does Premises Liability Apply to Injuries Sustained in an Assault?

Premises liability, or the requirement that a property owner maintain their premises in a reasonably safe condition, may apply to injuries sustained in an assault under certain circumstances. Liability will only be established where you were lawfully on the property, meaning you weren’t trespassing, and the property owner was negligent. 

While many premises liability lawsuits involve an injury related to a dangerous condition, such as a slip and fall accident, a property owner may also be held legally responsible for failing to provide adequate lighting, surveillance cameras, or other security measures to keep you safe. 

In order to determine if you have a valid claim against a bar, restaurant, or other establishment for an assault, you need to speak to a qualified negligent security lawyer

The Case Handler Can Help You Receive Compensation for Your Injuries

If you are assaulted on another person’s property, it is important to know that there may be sources beyond your attacker that can be held liable. It is important to speak to an attorney as soon as possible to determine your legal options. Contact our office today to schedule a confidential consultation.

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A personal injury or workplace accident can be devastating for you and your family. The Case Handler team digs deep to investigate your case, identify the responsible party or parties, and press for the maximum compensation for your injuries so you can move on with your life.

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