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Maximum Policy Limits

Garden State Parkway Accident Lawyer: Mario

"I was honored to be represented by the most knowledgeable and supportive attorney in personal injury cases. The name Adam Handler is respected by insurance companies in America, which means you won’t be taken advantage of by anyone. Thank you and your awesome staff - you guys are truly the best."

- Mario from Somerset, NJ



What Happened?

On December 19, 2023, Mario was waiting at a stoplight to merge onto the Garden State Parkway when his vehicle was rear-ended by a vehicle recklessly exceeding the speed limit. The Defendant later reported to the police that the light was yellow, assuming Mario would proceed. Following the incident, Mario’s vehicle was towed away and he was evaluated on the scene by EMS and was later transported to the hospital by ambulance where he received further evaluation, and treatment, and was discharged with medication. 

The aftermath of the car accident left Mario with injuries to his right knee, neck, right shoulder, and back. His right knee throbbed with a persistent ache, exacerbated by the simple acts of walking, standing, and sitting. He neck pain radiated into the base of his skull, accompanied by troubling numbness and tingling in his right hand. Meanwhile, his back pain was more intense on the right side, which radiated down into his right hip and lower extremity. These injuries disrupted Mario’s everyday life, impairing his ability to work, exercise, walk, and even sleep, robbing him of crucial hours of rest each night. When minimally invasive pain management treatment failed to improve his neck pain, Mario underwent a pain management injection to his neck in February 2024. 

Seeking relief and justice, Mario wasted no time in reaching out to The Case Handler team the very next day. Despite the other driver’s attempt to shift blame by claiming the light was yellow, our respected Garden State Parkway accident lawyer swiftly navigated the complexities of the case. Within a mere four months, Mario’s medical bills were taken care of, and he secured the MAXIMUM policy limits from the Defendant’s insurance company, thanks to our dedicated legal support!

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One Chance. One Choice.
One Case Handler.

A personal injury or workplace accident can be devastating for you and your family. The Case Handler team digs deep to investigate your case, identify the responsible party or parties, and press for the maximum compensation for your injuries so you can move on with your life.

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(212) 608-3734
250 Broadway, 6th Floor
New York, New York 10007
Peekskill Office
1045 Park Street, Suite 104
Peekskill, New York 10566

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