What Happened?
On March 2nd, 2020, Scarlett was driving eastbound on the Brooklyn Queens Expressway (BQE). While she stopped in traffic near Metropolitan Street, the truck behind her crashed into the rear of her car! The truck driver claimed to not have seen her vehicle and did not have enough time to stop. Scarlett was taken by ambulance to the emergency department at Bellevue Hospital Center. She was discharged home the same day with pain medication, given a neck collar, and advised to rest.
As a result of the accident, Scarlett suffered multiple injuries to her neck, lower back, left shin, and knees. While physical therapy was slowly improving her neck pain, her back pain was much more bothersome than the neck. Scarlett’s back pain was worse in the morning and was aggravated with prolonged sitting or standing. She also experienced numbness of her left thigh with pain in her left shin and in both knees. She reported increased pain in her knees when negotiating stairs and occasional buckling of the knees. When minimally invasive treatment was no longer working, Scarlett underwent pain management injections.
Scarlett knew she needed an attorney and immediately remembered Adam Handler from our radio show! The very next day after her accident, she called The Case Handler team at Pollack, Pollack, Isaac & DeCicco, LLP. The Defendant’s insurance company offered $49,000 to settle Scarlett’s case and did not want to pay anything more. With the legal assistance of our BQE rear-end accident lawyers, we made sure all of Scarlett’s medical bills were paid and we recovered $60,000.00 for her!

The truck that hit Scarlett