What Happened?
On the morning of October 31st, 2019, Brooks was making a left turn – alongside another car – onto Manhasset Community Drive. Moments later, both cars got hit by a third vehicle that proceeded into the intersection, failing to stop at the red light!
The driver at fault said he got confused when the green turn arrow appeared and kept on driving straight. His car crashed into the front left side of Brook’s vehicle. Since the accident happened in front of the North Shore University Hospital, Brooks walked into the hospital’s Emergency Room immediately after the accident. He then underwent routine examination and x-rays.
As a result of the accident, Brooks Injured his neck and shoulder. The acute cervical sprain he was feeling in his neck was caused by the 3 damaged disks in his spine. Thereafter, Brooks had a shoulder surgery and all his injuries made it very difficult for him to sleep, concentrate, and perform normal daily activities. Due to the pain, he was not able to return to work for weeks.
Today, Brooks is still experiencing some pain. However, he is happy he ended up in The Case Handler team’s capable hands. Thanks to the diligent legal guidance from our New York red light accident attorneys Adam Handler and Matthew Goodstein, Brooks’ medical bills were taken care of and he recovered $250,000.00 to settle his bodily injury claim!
The Case Handler’s team at Pollack Pollack Isaac & DeCicco had previously represented Brooks’ ex-wife, and did an amazing job! Therefore Brooks didn’t think twice, he called our team and we went straight to work so that he could focus on his recovery and stop worrying about the rest.