What Happened?
On March 26, 2017, Pretty P was driving south on Keough Lane in New Rochelle, NY. She was on her way to work when another vehicle struck her car. The other vehicle sideswiped Pretty P, hitting the left front side of her vehicle. The other car did not have their lights on and the driver received their driver’s license two weeks prior to the accident! Pretty P was taken by ambulance to New Rochelle Medical Center where she was examined, treated, and released for outpatient care.
Pretty P suffered injuries to her neck, back, shoulders, head and left leg. In her lower back, she experienced decreased range of motion and radiating pain down her legs. She also experienced neck pain that radiated to her shoulders. Pretty P reported tingling and numbness down her left leg. Her shoulders and knee pain worsened with movement. She experienced trouble with lifting above her head and performing day-to-day activities. Pretty P attended physical therapy for over 32 weeks.
Prior to the car accident, Pretty P was riding in a taxi when the taxi driver happened to recommend Adam Handler if she ever needed a lawyer. He handed her Adam’s business card, but she later lost the card. When her car accident happened, she could not remember the lawyer the taxi driver recommended. Another friend referred her to another lawyer. After a couple of months, she realized that she needed a different lawyer. She went online and found Adam! Although the Defendant’s insurance company denied Pretty P’s claim, The Case Handler team took over and recovered the full policy limit amount for Pretty P!