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Confidential Settlement

Queens Personal Injury Lawyer Review: R.A.C.L

What Happened?

On May 26th, 2018 our client R.A.C.L was watching the Liverpool and Real Madrid soccer game at a bar in Astoria, NY. He was wearing a Barcelona shirt and Barcelona is a rival to Real Madrid’s team. It started with him being taunted and yelled at by Real Madrid fans. After watching the game for about 10 minutes, he was unexpectedly grabbed from behind by a bouncer. With pure malicious intent, the bouncer threw him to the ground and he landed face first. The bouncer proceeded to punch and kick R.A.C.L while he was on the ground.

There is no clear reason for the bouncer’s actions, as R.A.C.L didn’t do anything to provoke anyone or fight back to potentially make matters worse. He was left bloody and beaten. Luckily for R.A.C.L, someone recorded the alleged assault on their phone. Two days later, he went to Hackensack Medical center. He was diagnosed with a fractured nose. He reported hearing ringing in his ears, and having on and off headaches. He also had a hematoma that was affecting his ability to breathe through his nose.

Thankfully, R.A.C.L heard about Adam through his friend Jeff. He was lucky to not have more serious injuries involving head trauma or other fractured bones. He was able to run away eventually, avoiding a further beating. The initial offer from the insurance company was way too low. The Case Handler team fought tooth and nail to obtain significantly more than what was first offered! Justice prevailed and coincidentally, the bar he was assaulted in is now closed.

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One Chance. One Choice.
One Case Handler.

A personal injury or workplace accident can be devastating for you and your family. The Case Handler team digs deep to investigate your case, identify the responsible party or parties, and press for the maximum compensation for your injuries so you can move on with your life.

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